Is artificial intelligence just automated data science?

 The technologies that we are talking about today is AI and data science. Everything around us results from these technologies; right from voice assistant to any other automated work, data science and AI forms the core of it. There are a number of use cases of both AI and data science. In fact, we talk about popular career choices, then most of the people want to pursue Artificial intelligence certification, while there is a greater chunk supporting the data science courses. Irrespective of the choice, both these technologies have opened new avenues of development and career opportunity. While AI and Data Science are the most talked-about technologies, there is a bone of contention where many believe that AI is going to replace data science, or is it just automated data science?


The question is obvious since every technology is based on data. There is a continuous debate, whether AI is just automated data science, or it is going to challenge the data science expert's job. We will try to answer these questions today.


What is automated data science?


In the recent study by Gartner, around 40% of the data science task will get automated. So what aspect of data science is going to get affected by automation. Although, it is expected that data science is going to replace some of the physical work process, and hence will enhance the efficiency of work.  But here we want to emphasize that automation is going to supplant  a part of the data science work profile, but won’t replace it entirely.


While automation is good as it enhances efficiency, at the same time, it also has a certain set of restrictions. While AI has the efficiency in automating data engineering and machine learning processes, it cannot automate itself. The end objective is to change the raw data into a form that is far more understandable.


The next question that pops up is if the automaton of data science is the aid provided by AI to make the system better and more effective. But there is a constant debate that data scientists are costly to recruit. Moreover, there is a huge gap between data science expert's requirements and data science job opening. To match this gap, companies are now trying to explore different alternatives. A few AI algorithms can analyze the data and provide the same experience as that of data scientists. These algorithms are required to provide information and make an exact forecast that is otherwise possible with the Natural Language Processing of NLP. 


With the development of such software, there is a possibility that most part of the data science will be automated, which can leave a number of people jobless. But, an important point that we cannot miss here is that you have to provide smart information to the machine. Here, smart data means that the data must be structured and gathered with a plan in mind before it is fed into the automated system.


From the above discussion, we can conclude that at some stage, there is a requirement of human judgment that can transform data into insight that matches the requirement of the company.


When talking about unsupervised learning, then it's not completely automated. Data scientists, despite everything, prepare sets, cleanse teams, and suggest which algorithm to be used.  Another aspect of data science, data visualization, needs human assistance. It must be customized in a way that even a layperson can comprehend it. 


The above discussion clearly indicates that technologies like AI can give us a probable solution to fill the gap between the demand for data science experts and the number of jobs. At the same time, automation ensures that most of the work becomes seamless and is performed efficiently. But we cannot undermine the importance of human intervention. The basic work needs to be done by the human brain so that automation will be a part of the work.


What's next?

It all boils down to the fact that we need the required talent who can leverage such technologies. Most of the companies are now looking for individuals who are trained in data science and artificial intelligence. Due to the growing demand for such skills, there is a growing demand for data science certification programs and artificial intelligence certification programs. In fact, as per Harvard Business Review, Data Science is one of the most popular skills in the market.


Global Tech Council offers some of the best online certification programs in data science and artificial intelligence. This online portal is known for its industry-oriented curriculum, which makes it one of the best choices for those who wish to upskill themselves and become data science experts.


This is certainly the beginning of a new age of development, which is driven by technologies like data science and artificial intelligence. Connect with Global Tech Council for more information on this.

